Sunday, September 6, 2015

First Interims of the 2015-16 School Year

Just a reminder that interims go home on Thursday, September 10th. Please sign and return this document. Thanks!

Welcome to the 2015-16 school year!

What a great beginning of the year we have had! I truly believe that we are chugging along at a great rate through the information 5th graders need to learn. This is a great group of students with a good knowledge base overall from 4th grade and prior years. Keep practicing multiplication facts and of course, read everyday. Both of these activities will strengthen abilities for future learning! We keep homework short and sweet, so please complete anything that is sent home, as this, too, is important for building future skills. We are looking forward to a great year! #5thGradeRocks

Thursday, April 23, 2015

LAST Interims Go Home TODAY!!!

Can you believe that we are halfway through the last quarter of this wonderful year of 5th grade?
Almost done, guys!  Let's power through the rest of our "brain workout" this year and
LAST round of PARCC testing happens a week from Monday.  This will be End of Year testing in Reading and Math, and although the questions will be challenging, all of them will be multiple choice format.
Please check your student's folder daily for information about awards ceremony, Written & Illustrated book sharing "tea", 5th grade class picnic, and more!
Please email Mrs. Pechon, Mrs. McNeill, or Mrs. Blanchard with any questions!
21 days left of school, y'all!  We got this!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

PARCC Testing is Almost Upon Us!

Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.

We have prepared, and will prepare this week, like the ferocious writing and math beasts that we are, and we will be successful on these tests!!!

The PARCC review in writing consists of three essays, which are written as a response to a writing task about different types of text.  One is a literary analysis essay, after reading excerpts from novels; One is a research simulation, which is written after reading nonfiction articles about a certain topic; and the third is a narrative essay, written after reading a fiction passage.

Math PARCC testing this month consist of problems using various computation methods, as well as written responses where students will have to explain their answers.

These are no easy tasks!  Let's get all students off to a great start daily.  Part of preparing and practice is nutrition and rest.  Please make sure that your student is eating a good breakfast daily, whether at home or at school, brings a snack daily to eat at our daily snack time, and gets enough sleep every night.  (Ample sleep at this age has been defined as approximately 9 hours per night.)  

If you would like to view these practice tests, here are the links:

Math PARCC Practice Test Grade 5

Writing PARCC Practice Test Grade 5

Thank you for all of your support!!!  We are rounding home at the end of this awesome school year.  Let's make it the best two months of the year!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Welcome, 2015!

I hope that this post finds everyone happy and healthy after our long winter break.  I know that I speak from all in our teaching team when I say that we enjoyed all of our time with family and friends.

The 3rd nine weeks starts tomorrow!  This will be the most productive nine weeks yet!  We will be reading and writing extensively in all subject areas, which means increasing rigor and productivity across the board.  Get your sleep and "Eat Your Wheaties", my compadres!  We have a lot of work to do!

Please check homework folders daily as well as our class website.  The calendar will be updated regularly with homework assignments and test dates.  Remember that homework assignments count for two test grades in Reading, Spelling, and Math.  Since there are approximately 9 grades per subject per nine weeks, This is 25% of the final grade!

Reading homework and spelling homework will be streamlined a bit this nine weeks.  I am trying to find the best combination of activities for homework that produces the most skill practice for a condensed amount of time daily.  Please see our website for:
**Reading Homework  and  **Spelling Homework.  These are due weekly on Wednesday and Fridays.

We are also starting over with Dojo points.  Congrats to those students that made it to "Living Legend" in the 2nd nine weeks!  These students, from both Mrs. Pechon and Mrs. Blanchard's homerooms, are:
Ana, Harrison, Bailey D., Sal, Briana, Ty, Luke, Alexis (in both classes!), Emma, Aleena, Katie, Sydney (in both classes!), Madison, Jay, Grace, Annie, Layla, Maggie, and Hannah M.

These students will have their picture on the living legend wall soon!

Thanks for all of your support!  Again, please make sure and check the weekly overview  for important information, as well as homework folders daily.  Test folders will continue to be sent home on Thursdays.  Please review these, make MATH test corrections, and return the folder by the following Tuesday to receive credit for math corrections.